Tuesday, May 17, 2011


You say you're tired of waiting until May 31st to discover what kind of diabolical trouble Sammy Divine has cooked up? I have the solution!

Browse Inside this book
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A simple click will allow you to read the first 60 pages! (Yep, I said 60, as in Six Oh.) It's a really cool feature that's almost as good as holding the real thing!


Christa C said...

Thanks for the teaser because now I'm hooked and May 31st seems far away!! LOVE the characters and direction of story. Cannot wait to read the rest! Sammy is such a great character. He's a brilliant conundrum...do we love him? Hate him? Who knows!

Congrats :)

Terri Garey said...

You're welcome, Christa. Sammy is an "anti-hero", which is both the opposite of a hero and the opposite of a villain. Tough balancing act, but really fun to write!